Vlad Savchuk’s Book “Break Free” Now Available in 11 Languages

Vlad Savchuk's Book "Break Free" Now Available in 11 Languages

Vlad Savchuk’s Book “Break Free” Now Available in 11 Languages

Hungrygen Church pastor Vladimir Savchuk is excited to announce that his self-help book, “Break Free,” is now available in eleven languages.

This multilingual achievement marks a significant milestone in the book’s journey, potentially reaching a wider audience seeking spiritual growth and liberation.

“Break Free” targets readers who feel trapped in a cycle of sin and struggle to live up to their full potential in God’s eyes. The book delves into the potential root causes of these struggles, suggesting influences like negative environments or even generational sin. Pastor Savchuk offers his book as a guide to overcome these limitations and achieve a deeper connection with God.

The newly translated versions span across continents and cultures, with the book now available in English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Vietnamese, Romanian, Georgian, Hindi, French, and Urdu. This diverse range of languages highlights the universality of the themes explored in “Break Free,” offering hope and guidance to a broader spiritual community.

“Exciting news! ‘Break Free’ is now available in 11 different languages!” Pastor Savchuk announced on his social media platforms. The physical and digital downloads are available on Amazon, Savchukstore.com for signed copies, and pastorvlad.org for a free PDF.

This multilingual expansion comes just months after another exciting development for Pastor Savchuk. In February, he launched his official merchandise store, Savchukstore.com. The store allows fans and followers to not only purchase signed copies of “Break Free” and other books by the pastor but also browse a selection of Christian-themed apparel. This initiative further emphasizes his dedication to fostering a vibrant faith-based community and providing resources for spiritual growth.

 With “Break Free” reaching a global audience and the launch of his merchandise store, Pastor Savchuk is making considerable progress in his effort to inspire and help people on their spiritual journeys.


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