We Are Limited, But God Is Wise

We Are Limited, But God Is Wise

We are limited, but God is wise.

We Are Limited, But God Is Wise: Many of us today want to take care of everything in our lives, but we keep failing. As Christians we  are not created to depend on ourselves, but we are to depend on God.

God is bigger than us, and he knows more than we do. That’s why we must hold on to him. There are going to be moments in our lives that will shake us so bad, but we have God.

Our heavenly father is always with us, and he cares about us so deeply. When things don’t make sense to us, let us give them to God through prayer.

God is always listening to our prayers, and he will do everything to save us from the traps of the enemy. The devil is working hard every day to make us believe that he will destroy us at any given opportunity.

When we stay connected to Christ Jesus, the plan of the devil will not work on us. God knows about everything that we are going through, and he feels our pain, so why do we still carry the burden on our own?

We are instructed in the Bible to cast all our burdens on God, for he will give us rest. For us to enter the rest of God, we must be willing to surrender to Christ with all our hearts.

Follow God’s will.

We Are Limited, But God Is Wise pt2

We all have plans and dreams for our lives, but we must be willing to follow God’s will. Most of us are afraid of following God’s plan because we think it won’t be cool.

God is awesome, and his plans for us are better than the ones we have for ourselves. We were all created in his image, so that means he loves us so much.

The love of God is immeasurable, and he will never leave us in any bad situations, so let’s keep trusting him. God knows the best for us because, before we were born, he knew about us.

In Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

We are all special to him, and he loves us, so he sent his son to die for us on the cross.

Come back to God.

We Are Limited, But God Is Wise pt3

God is always at the door of our hearts, knocking, and if we let him in, he’ll come and dine with us. When we repent, God comes inside of us and lives, for we are his temple.

Our lifestyle should reflect God in many ways because we are representing him. People are watching us, and they want to know if we are behaving right.

We don’t have the advantage of being like the rest of the world because  we are selected by God. We are not to act different from everyone else so that we can make Jesus proud.

Our sinful nature is stopping us from experiencing the great life that God has designed for us. We must give up our sinful lives and surrender to Jesus Christ so that we can make him proud.

Our goal in life is to make heaven after our journey here on earth. God doesn’t want us to perish in hell, so he’s always there knocking at our hearts for us to open to him.

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