We are new creatures in Christ Jesus.

We are new creatures in Christ Jesus.

We are new creatures in Christ Jesus.

We are new creatures in Christ Jesus: The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”.

When Jesus died for us, he took away our sins and gave us grace to be called children of God. The grace of God is about receiving steadfast love and forgiveness that we don’t deserve.

Jesus died so that we could have a close relationship with God, the Father. After Adam and Eve disappointed God, he sent Jesus to bring us back.

God loves us so much, that’s why he visits Adam every evening to commune with him. When the relationship was broken, God was unhappy.

The devil is working hard every day to make us sin against God. Nothing can separate us from the love of God, only our sins.

Our Sinful Nature

We are new creatures in Christ Jesus. pt2
We are all born into sin, but God still loves us regardless. For us to have a better relationship with God, we must give up our sinful nature and accept his love for us.

The world is full of sins, and everyone is trying to normalize sins, but we are different. As children of God, we are meant to be different, inside and out.

God created us in his image with love, so we must represent him through our lives. Pornography, lying, cheating, and gambling are among the sins that are normalized in our world today.

In our businesses and personal lives, everything we do should bring glory to God. We must stay away from habits that do not glorify God.

Watching pornography will never help us in any way, and it will ruin our lives. Lying in our businesses can lead us to be unsuccessful.

If we are working for someone else, we must be faithful. We are to be loving and kind to people around us because we are God’s representatives.

Our sinful nature should not control our lives and take us away from God. The enemy knows that only our sins can separate us from God’s love; that’s why he’s trying to make us sin more.

We have the power to resist sins and temptations because we are not alone. God is always with us, and with him, everything is possible.

There is no temptation that comes into our lives that we can’t overcome. The Holy Spirit lives inside of us to help us through life.

The Holy Spirit is to guide, teach, and direct us through everything like personal life, businesses,raising our kids and spiritual growth.

Ask for forgiveness and move on.

We are new creatures in Christ Jesus. pt3
The enemy loves to hunt us with guilt and shame so that we can go back to God. When we sin against God, we must admit it and ask for forgiveness.

Do not let the devil trap you into thinking that God hates you and that your sins are unforgiveable. Our heavenly father knows that you are not perfect, but he still loves you.

When you are working hard to represent well on earth, he sees you, and he’s proud of you. There are going to be moments when we might see ourselves going against our old habits.

We should not dwell on our old bad habits when we see ourselves in them mistakenly. We must move on and continue doing our best to glorify God in our lives through everything we do.

Old bad habits can be addictive and sweet, but they have the power to ruin our lives in the future. Our heavenly father wants us to have a beautiful future, but we must walk with the Lord.

We must give up our old selves in order to become new creatures in Christ Jesus.

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