Why Is the Devil Fighting Our Faith?

Why is the devil fighting our faith

Why is the devil fighting our faith?

Why is the devil fighting our faith? Many Christians have questioned why the devil fights our faith. Because he knows that with our faith, we can get anything we want from God.

With our faith, we are powerful, and he can’t control us. Our faith is our currency when we want to get anything from God.

When our faith is strong in God, there is nothing impossible for us. With our faith, we can speak to the mountains to move, and they will.

Peter was able to walk on water because he believed in Jesus. God brings great things into our lives through faith.

The enemy brings bad things into our lives through worry and fear. With worry, he can make us develop doubt, and with doubt, we can lose hope in God.

Anytime we wake up in the morning, we must cast out the spirit of fear. God is always in control, and there is nothing we can lose.

He is aware of everything that is going on in our lives, and he knows that we are powerful enough to overcome it.

The Lies of the Enemy

Why is the devil fighting our faith pt2

The devil has been known to be the father of all liars. The enemy is constantly lying to us in order to make us question God’s love for us.

When we have struggles, he can tell us that God has forgotten us, but that’s not true. He always tries his best to make us unsure.

Maybe he has lied to you, saying that you won’t find someone who loves you if you don’t believe him. He can tell you that you won’t be successful in life; that is a big lie.

Even when your kids are not behaving right, don’t give up on them. Keep praying. Your kids will turn out great, and you will pay off all your debts.

With God on your side, there is nothing you won’t achieve; just believe. Just go after your goals and dreams in the right way, and God will make them come true.

Most of us believed that when we sin against that, God will reject us, but that’s a lie because the devil wants to trap us with sin.

When you sin against God, don’t let the enemy torment you with guilt and shame; repent soon.

We are special to God.

Why is the devil fighting our faith pt3

God cares about us deeply because he’s our father. He created us all in his image, so that makes us special to him.

Don’t believe the lies of the devil that God doesn’t care about us. Our heavenly father wants us to live a happy life with peace of mind.

We face some life challenges because he wants us to grow and get better. Everything we face in life, we are to learn from.

Because of his love for us, he sent his son to die for us so that we could come back to him. Even when Jesus was going back to heaven, he knew that he would need help, so God sent the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a gift from God to us, and we have to accept it with all our hearts. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God that lives inside of us.

His role is to guide us through everything in life so that we can live the great life that God designed for us.

Our heavenly father is always waiting for us to come back to him so that we can experience his love fully.

He knows that we are not perfect, but he still loves us, and he will improve us every day. If we are willing to accept Jesus into our lives, he will take care of everything and change us little by little.

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