Why wasn’t Jesus Christ loved by most Jews?

Why wasn't Jesus Christ loved by most Jews

Why wasn’t Jesus Christ loved by most Jews?

Why wasn’t Jesus Christ loved by most Jews? During the time of Jesus Christ here on earth, he wasn’t loved.

Many people claimed that he was a conman who claimed to be the Messiah. A lot of rabbis and religious leaders feel that Jesus cannot be the Messiah because he does not meet the necessary qualifications.

In our world today, many people still don’t believe in him being the Messiah. The majority of the 14 million Jewish people worldwide do not think that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah.

Despite all the miracles and teaching that he did here on earth, According to research, Jewish people are taught while growing up that Jesus Christ is for the Gentiles.

If a Jewish person decides to follow Jesus Christ, that means the person has converted to Christianity. A Jewish person who considers trust in Jesus must consider the social stigma that they may endure from friends, family, and the greater Jewish society.

According to research, “Jews do not trust in Jesus as the Messiah since he did not fulfill any messianic prophecies.” ‘Nation shall not lift its sword against nation, nor shall they learn war again.'” Isaiah 2:4.
Far from establishing world peace, Jesus stated that he came to divide “father against son, son against father, mother against daughter, and daughter against mother” (Luke 12:53).

Reasons Why Other Jewish People Believe That Jesus Is The Messiah

Why wasn't Jesus Christ loved by most Jews pt2

According to another research study, Jewish supporters of Jesus face cultural difficulties and terrible historical truths surrounding his identity.

There are other reasons why they believe he is the Messiah.

First and foremost, most individuals who follow Jesus, Jewish or not, have a personal encounter with God that transforms their lives.

It doesn’t matter who you are; just know that Jesus Christ welcomes you. Everything that is written in the Bible shows that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

No matter how hard the devil works to make people not believe in Christ, he’ll fail. The teaching of Christ was not to attack Judaism.

Jesus stated, “Do not assume that I came to eliminate the Torah or the Prophets! I came not to abolish, but to fulfill.
The Torah will remain intact until the heavens and earth do. “Whoever keeps and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:17–19). Following his teaching is an extension of the Jewish faith, not a rejection of it.

The Hebrew Scriptures provide a nuanced picture of who this figure will be. In reality, they reveal that Jesus will first suffer and die an atoning death: “He was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people” (Isaiah 53:8).

The Messiah had to first come, suffer, and die in order to atone for sin. By doing so, Jesus established peace between humanity and God.

However, the Tanakh goes on to say that he will return and establish peace on Earth. Jesus came to promote peace with God, not slaughter, particularly among his own people. He will return one day, and he provides peace with God to all who

What We Are To Do

As Christians living in the world, we currently have to put our faith in God. Following the teaching of Jesus Christ, which is about obeying God and loving one another, is important.

We are not meant to judge or condemn people for not understanding Jesus Christ. Christianity is based on love and obedience to God in everything that we do.

There are going to be moments when trusting in God can be hard, but let us do it no matter what. If no one believes in Jesus Christ, let us be the only people who believe in him.

Our Christian journey won’t be easy, but we are not alone. God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us through life and make decisions.


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