You Can be Limited By Your Ego.
You Can be Limited By Your Ego: There are many things in life that can limit God’s blessings in our lives.
Habits that don’t glorify God can stop us from attaining the level of greatness he planned for us. Before we were born here on earth, God already wanted us to do great things.
He has given us all our talents, skills, and purposes in order for us to be who he designed us to be. None of us are the same because our Heavenly Father created us all differently for different reasons.
We all have different talents, gifts, and skills that are given to us by God for our greater lives.
Don’t compare yourself to others.
Many of us spend most of our time trying to be like other people. Find out what the talents and gifts God has given you can do and work with them.
Some people are more intelligent than others educationally, but someone can have greater skills. Maybe you are not educationally intelligent. Don’t hate yourself; just discover what talents you have.
You might know how to paint, sing, tell stories, cook, or build crafts. Whatever your gift is, just know that you are also wonderful.
Don’t be jealous when you see someone doing better than you, but you can be motivated. You might need more practice in order to get better.
Get motivated to improve yourself and the gifts God might have given you. Our heavenly father loves us all equally, so we must know that our gifts are important too.
If you are good at singing, use your talent to sing to the Lord. Your friend might be good educationally more than you don’t hate yourself.
Jealousy can trap us from improving ourselves and using our gifts to praise the Lord. No matter what gift you have, use it for the Lord and add value to the people around you.
Ego is our enemy.
Many of us are already aware of our talents, while some people are still discovering themselves. When we allow our talents and achievements to take us away from God, that can ruin us.
We must be careful as Christians that our achievements don’t make us look down on others. Our heavenly father doesn’t like proud people, but he blesses the humble.
Being humble can attract God’s blessings into our lives in a great way. If you are humble with your accomplishments and talents, the Lord will open our doors to you.
The Lord will trust us with more blessings because he knows that nothing will take you away from him. Ego can limit God’s blessing from the Lord, and that will make us unhappy in the future.
Pride has the ability to cause us to fail in life. Some of us are proud of our earthly achievements, like our education, money, buildings, and businesses.
God is not telling us not to go after our goals, but when we achieve them, let it not take us away from him.
Overcome Your Ego
Overcoming our pride can be hard, but with God, all things are possible. To attract more blessings into our lives, we must be humble.
The Holy Spirit lives inside of us, and with his help, we are capable of overcoming our pride. Just be honest with God concerning your pride, and he will help you.
The Lord knows that we are not perfect, and he’s not rejecting us. In order for us to overcome our egos, we must be willing to admit our sins and ask for forgiveness.
The Holy Spirit will help to build us to the standard of the Lord. Our habits and mentality will start to change the moment we accept the Holy Spirit.
If you want to go far in life, don’t look down on anyone and show kindness to people around you. Don’t compare yourself to others with jealousy, but focus on what the Lord has given you.
When you see someone doing better than you, don’t be jealous, but be motivated to improve and become better.