Bishop T.D. Jakes Sunday Sermon: Unlock Your Limitations

Bishop T.D. Jakes shares this Sunday sermon titled “Unlock Your Limitations” where he asked if your limited belief system is keeping you in the same place? He said we often ask God to bless us with more while at the same time feeling unable to let go of our unbelief. T.D Jakes reminded us of Simon who on the brink of giving up in Luke 5 made us to learn that faith and a faulty mindset cannot sit in the same boat. When we lack the courage to push past our limitations, we continue to live on the level of what we believe. This message is taken from the Scripture: Luke 5:1-10 KJV.

We hope you are  blessed by this sermon: “Unlock Your Limitations” coming from Luke 5:1-10 KJV!

Watch and learn from this Sunday sermon by Bishop T.D Jakes “Unlock Your Limitations”  as we bring the latest messages from Pastors in the United States of America to you.

Credit: Bishop T.D Jakes YouTube /

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