Bishop T.D Jakes Teachings Today – Allow The Lord To Take Over

Bishop T.D Jakes Teachings Today – Allow The Lord To Take Over

Bishop T.D Jakes Teachings Today

Bishop T.D Jakes Teachings Today says “Your faith is your shield from the snares of your enemy. But, still, ask God for the wisdom to discern your enemies amongst moments of vulnerability.⁣

The growing pains of deliverance are riddled with disappointment, but things are about to shift in your life. You might have lost a lot, but God has equipped you with plenty to secure everything that the enemy is trying to steal.⁣

Did you know that Jesus came to obliterate the fences around your love? We are called to love our neighbors as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31). When we do, God’s blessings and favor have no choice but to chase us. ⁣

Your compassion should not be contingent on the nobility of people. Christ commands us to love our neighbor, even those we’ve unjustly vilified (Matthew 22:36-40).⁣⁣

God positions us for a purpose. Your job could be more than another occupation; God could be using it to connect you to more fulfilling aspirations.⁣

If you earnestly trust God, would you allow Him to nestle every adversity that you’ve ever experienced deep within your purpose (Galatians 6:9-10)? ⁣David leading sheep is a shadow of him leading nations and becoming King! Him killing bears and lions prepared him for destroying Goliath! Nothing that you’ve been through will be wasted!!”

Bishop T.D Jakes teachings Today went on to give us these two inspirational verses: “Never anchor your self-esteem in adoration from others; applause is illusory. The relationships that mean the most will overcome trials, without dissolving loyalty. (Proverbs 17:17)⁣⁣

Don’t let your heart condemn what God has forgiven. Fulfilling your purpose is contingent upon your acceptance of God’s mercy and grace (1 John 1:9-2:1).⁣”

Credit – Bishop T.D Jakes

Picture Credit – Bishop T.D Jakes Instagram

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