Craig Groeschel: Change Your Habits

Today we bring you a very interesting discussion from Pastor Craig Groeschel, which is titled “Change Your Habits.”

Pastor Groeschel teaches us that there may be something in our lives that we wish to improve: getting out of debt, being better with money, improving your marriage, getting in better physical shape, or becoming more organized. We need to understand that having hope is good, but hope alone won’t change your life. It’s good to have hope; you have hope, but you should also have the right habits, because hope alone will not change your life; habits will.

A fascinating study found that over 40% of your daily actions are the result of habits rather than decisions. So much of what we do every day isn’t the result of conscious decisions; it’s the result of daily habits. So if you want to change your life, you have to change your habits.

What can one holy habit do to change your life? God often does big things through small habits. Daniel has formed the habit of praying to God three times a day, even when there was a law that said everyone should worship the King alone. Three times a day, Daniel kneeled down and gave thanks to his God, just as he’d done before. What did this one habit of seeking God not just once but three times a day in prayer do for Daniel? that it built his faith in God and strengthened his spiritual intimacy with God. Praying three times a day gave him the confidence to say no to spiritual temptation. Through one small habit, never underestimate what God can do in your marriage, in your faith, in your health, and in your friendships. We want to honor God with our bodies, not just by being better with our money, but by being wise stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us. If you want to change what you do, you need to change what you think of yourself, and you are who God says you are—a masterpiece.

This is a message that will change your life.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Craig Groeschel “ Change Your Habits” and remember that we bring the latest Sunday messages from Pastors across the United States of America to you.

Video Credit: Life.Church YouTube

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