Creflo Dollar: Nothing Goes Unnoticed or Unrewarded – Wednesday Service


Pastor Creflo Dollar Ministries shares this new message titled “Nothing Goes Unnoticed or Unrewarded” in their Wednesday Service, and it is a message you need to listen to.

The pastor of Creflo Dollar Ministries talks about serving, and we have to serve the Lord because nothing goes unnoticed in the Lord. Serving the platform is fulfilling destiny, and when we look in the Bible and when we read about the different people in the Bible, they will be serveless before they are leaders, and so they were servants before they were leaders, and people should serve in the church, and that’s the blessing. Serving a servant is looked down upon; they think they are uneducated, uninformed, untaught, and lack self-esteem. but God doesn’t look at it that way. God doesn’t convey that message in scripture, and he does not convey that message. God looks at our Ministry of Health and looks at servants as leaders. God’s servant is a person devoted to another or a cause, and we’re devoted to advancing the kingdom of God because what we advance is the kingdom God ruled and God’s dominion. The reason you hear about Alexander the Great, the reason you hear about David, and the reason you hear about Hannibal was that they were great warriors, so what they were doing was extending their kingdom. Whatever kingdom they were in, it was extended in the kingdom. Well, how do we extend the kingdom by getting people born again? We met up with dirt land, so they extended land to get people born again, and that’s how we extend the kingdom and grow the kingdom of God, so that everybody h hasa chance and a right to be saved.

In Mark 10:43, Jesus said, Whoever deserves to become a leader or whoever they want to be great among you shall be your servant. If you want to be great, everybody in here has a chance to be great. But Jesus looks at this as he that serves has an opportunity to be great; he that serves will be great, and in verse 45, it says that even the son of man did not come to be served but Jesus did not come to be served; he came to serve; he came to be a servant, and we should pattern our lives after Jesus and we should be servants, and that is vital and very important because a servant is very important in the Bible. Every miracle that you see in the Bible, you almost see someone who is serving in ministry.

This is a message that you will enjoy.

Watch and learn from this message by Creflo Dollar ministries “Nothing Goes Unnoticed or Unrewarded” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Creflo Dollar Ministries

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