Fresh Life Church Hosts Theological Boot Camp

Fresh Life Church Hosts Theological Boot Camp
Theological Boot Camp at Fresh Life Church

Fresh Life Church, a non-denominational church led by pastor Levi Lusko, recently hosted a theological boot camp as a part of the church’s ongoing team development.

Under the guidance of Dr. Joe Davis and Dr. Chad from Southeastern University, a diverse group of pastors, songwriters, teachers, storytellers, and aspiring theologians convened for a theological boot camp, immersing themselves in a comprehensive exploration of 2000 years of church history, spanning from the ascension of Jesus to the present day.

“This week has been huge for our hearts and minds! As a part of our ongoing development for our team, we had a Theological Bootcamp at @freshlife. We gathered as pastors, song-writers, teachers, story-tellers and budding theologians to learn, grow and be stretched. Our focus in these days was church history, from the ascension of Jesus to present time.” Luko wrote in a Wednesday Instagram statement.

During the course of 16 hours, the participants learned how a rag-tag group of Jesus people went forth from the empty tomb and covered the Roman Empire with churches.

In addition to learning how we got our bible, they also learned about persecutions, heresies, creeds, schisms, the reformation, the great awakening, the problems with the church, the harm that has been done in the name of Jesus, as well as the incredible contributions the church has made to the world.

Lusko highlighted the significance of history in fostering a balanced perspective on the difficulties we encounter today. He also emphasized its benefits in cultivating awareness and a sense of calm confidence.

Fresh Life Church is committed to positively impacting its members and the communities it serves. The church offers a variety of spiritually enriching programs.

Last month, the church announced a Mediterranean Bible Study Cruise scheduled for July 2024.

The event tagged “Incomparable Cruise” offers participants the opportunity to learn about the scriptures in the context of the places where they were written. It is also expected to give them a deeper understanding of the Bible and its relevance in their lives today.

At the time of the announcement, Lusko beckoned on all Christians to participate in the event.

“I can’t wait for The Incomparable Cruise with @lisadharper @karijobe @codycarnes. We would love for you to join us on this incredible cruise as we make our way through the places Paul spoke at in Europe.” Lusko wrote in the Instagram post.


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