Joel Osteen Daily Devotional April 5 2023

Theme For Joel Osteen Daily Devotional April 5 2023 – Give Him Some Time

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional
Joel Osteen

Today’s Scripture

Isaiah 64:4, NLT

For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him! 

Today’s Word

The Scripture says that God will work all things together for our good, including the closed doors, the breakups, and the failures. That’s how awesome our God is. Don’t live sour because of what didn’t work out or bitter over the person who walked away. Let it go. God has beauty for the ashes and joy for the mourning. He just needs some time. Now while you’re waiting, stay in faith. Keep doing the right thing. Keep praising when you could be complaining. Keep speaking victory in the face of defeat.

Don’t judge the rest of your life by one difficult season. Thoughts will tell you, “It’s never going to change. This is my lot in life.” Don’t believe those lies. God is still on the throne. At the right time, you’re going to be so blessed and fulfilled that you won’t think about the negative things of your past. You keep waiting on God, and He’s promised He’s going to do something beyond your imagining. Now here’s the key: Just give Him some time.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for the promises You have put in my heart and for the dreams I want to accomplish. Thank You that there is no other God like You, the Most High God, and that You’re teaching me to wait upon You. I will keep doing the right thing and being faithful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Credit For Joel Osteen Daily Devotional April 5 2023 – Joel Osteen Ministries

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