Joel Osteen Devotional Today – Joel Osteen Messages

Joel Osteen Devotional Today – Joel Osteen Messages

joel osteen messages

Joel Osteen Messages. Theme – The God of More than Enough


“…the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, ‘I am God Almighty…”
(Genesis 17:1, ESV)


Do you need more peace, joy or provision in your life? We serve a God who is more than enough, and He has more than enough!

The original Hebrew word in this verse is El Shaddai which means “the All-Sufficient One” or the God of plenty. In other words, our God is more than enough! He’s not worried about how He’s going to meet your needs. He’s not wondering how He’s going to provide for you. He’s already overflowing with everything you need in this life, and He longs to bless you. Do you know why? He wants to bless you abundantly so that you can turn around and be a blessing to other people. He wants you to be His reflection in the earth.

Today, keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Remember, you serve the Almighty God. He promises to supply all of your needs because He is El Shaddai, the God of more than enough!


Father, I believe that You are the God of more than enough. Today, I receive Your Word and choose to have an attitude of faith and expectancy. Thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness to me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read Joel Osteen Messages below:

You owe it to yourself, you owe it to your spouse, to your children, to your friends to turn off the negative recording. When you feel good about yourself, when you know you’re valuable, attractive, talented, one-of-a-kind, then you can love others. When you have the right recording, you’ll have healthy relationships. Get this encouraging message from Joel, “The Right Recording.”

Are you allowing what people have said or the way they’ve treated you to cause you to not believe in yourself, to not pursue your dreams? Turn off that recording. The enemy wouldn’t be trying to stop you if he didn’t know there was something amazing in your future.

Think about all the mercy God has shown you. When you didn’t deserve it, He forgave you. When you got yourself in trouble, He rescued you. When you went the wrong way on purpose, He protected you. Why don’t you show some of that same mercy, that same goodness to people that have done you wrong.

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