Joel Osteen: Recognize Who You Are

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Joel Osteen titled “Recognize Who You Are.” Pastor Joel teaches us about recognizing who we are. It’s easy to go through life being defined by how we were raised, what people have said, or mistakes we have made. We end up wearing the wrong labels in life: average, untalented, unattractive, and too short. This distorted image that we have in our mind is keeping us from being who God created us to be.

How you see yourself will determine how far you can go. It’s possible to live your whole life and never recognize who you really are. God knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb, and God had already decided who we would be before we arrived on Earth. God already had a purpose for us on earth because we came from the almighty God.

God didn’t create anyone average; he calls you a masterpiece; he has put greatness and potential in you that you have not yet tapped into. You can’t see yourself as weak and inadequate and get into agreement with God. Instead of lacking, we should see ourselves as God’s masterpiece. Don’t let a distorted image of who you are keep you from your purpose. We are God’s most prized creation; we should not think of ourselves as average or unimportant because God created us in his image. We should not discount who we are or let life and people’s disappointments convince us that we are average and not special.

We have the royal blood of Jesus flowing through your veins; God has crowned you with his favor.

What are you calling yourself? If you see yourself as ordinary, not that talented or special, and don’t have a good personality, that distorted image is going to keep you from shining and being what God designed you to be. It will be a tragedy to go through life and never discover who you really are.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen: Recognize Who You Are.” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit:Joel Osteen YouTube

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