Joel Osteen: You are chosen – Lakewood Church Service

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Joel Osteen at the Lakewood Church Sunday Service titled, “You have been chosen.”

Pastor Joel teaches us in this message about us being chosen; that’s what God did for us; we did not deserve his love, mercy, and goodness. But the Bible said that while we were yet strangers, God brought us near through the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John, “You did not choose me; I chose you.” God hand-picked you; you may feel like you don’t fit in or are not good enough, but none of that stops God. God still chooses you.

You may be looking at your flaws and thinking that you are not qualified, but you are exactly who God is looking for. God sees what’s inside of you, and you are what he says you are. God knows your potential. Before we were born, God did not only choose us, but he also put a purpose and greatness in our lives. The Devil will work overtime to make sure that we feel bad and not good enough. We don’t have to believe the lies of the devil. God chooses people that the society thinks are not good enough; God picked David, who did not come from royalty and whose family has no influence. God chose Moses to lead the Israelites out of bondage. Moses made a mistake and took a man’s life in the past, and he spent 40 years hiding in the desert.

God does not choose the way we do; he never writes us off or gives up on us. God does not change his mind about us or his love for us. When Jesus picked his disciples, he did not go to the highest places to find the best candidates. He picked Peter, who was a fisherman, and he picked Matthew, who was a tax collector; they were known for being dishonest.




Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen: you been chosen” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit:Joel Osteen YouTube

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