Joyce Meyer Devotional 22nd January, 2019

Joyce Meyer Devotional 22nd January

Theme For Joyce Meyer Devotional 22nd January – Positively Possible

One of the best stories about how faith and confidence in God releases the power of potential took place centuries ago, when many parts of the ancient world were still unsettled.

God promised the people of Israel they would possess a rich and fertile country, known as Canaan. He didn’t promise them they could step across its borders without opposition, but He did promise them they would inhabit it—and when God makes a promise, He means it.

Taking God at His Word, the Israelites appointed 12 men to go into Canaan to “spy out the land” and bring back a report.

Upon their return, 10 spies admitted that the land owed with milk and honey and acknowledged that the fruit in Canaan was large and beautiful, but then remarked that the land was full of giants who would be impossible to overcome.

They allowed the presence of the giants to detract from the promises of God.

In contrast, Joshua and Caleb brought back good reports, full of faith and confidence in God, and Caleb spoke up with confidence, saying, Let us go up at once and possess it; we are well able to conquer it (Numbers 13:30 AMPC).

The 10 spies thought the giants in the land were too big to kill, but Joshua and Caleb thought they were too big to miss. Joshua and Caleb were the only two men who were positive in the face of opposition from the giants. They didn’t ignore the challenges, but they did not overemphasize them—and they were the only two who entered the Promised Land.

Being positive does not mean we deny the existence of difficulty; it means we believe God is greater than our difficulties.

Believing in God can cause us to win any battle we face. When we are closed to “positive possibilities,” we only see what is right in front of us, not what we could see if we would simply be positive and creative.

Prayer Starter: Father, I want to be like Joshua and Caleb! Help me to always see the “positive possibilities” in my life. When You give me direction and guidance, help to me go forward with confidence, knowing all things are possible with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Credit – Joyce Meyer

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