Joyce Meyer Devotional September 17 2020 – Let Him Carry You

Theme For Joyce Meyer Devotional September 17 2020 – Let Him Carry You

We all have different times in our lives where we feel like we’re getting “out of our depth” or “in over our heads.” These moments are usually when we’re facing big problems: a job is lost, someone dies, there’s strife in the family, or a bad report comes from the doctor. When things like this happen, it’s easy to panic because we feel like we’ve lost control.

But think about it for a minute: The truth is, we’ve never been in control when it comes to life’s hardest moments. The only thing that holds us up — and the thing we can be most grateful for — is the grace and love of God, our Father, which is fixed, stable and unchanging.

The good news is that God is never caught off guard or out of His depth (He created the entire universe after all!), so if you’re in life’s “deep end”, know that He’s ready and willing to carry you through it. When you come to Him for help, He’ll hold you up in the hardest times (see Psalm 34:4, 18-19).

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for being my safe place, no matter what. Please help me trust You more today, knowing that I can be at peace because You’ll never let me go. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Credit For Joyce Meyer Devotional September 17 2020 – Joyce Meyer Ministries /

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