Joyce Meyer : Making Adjustment (Pt 1)

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Joyce Meyer titled “Making Adjustment.” The text for the message is from the book of Ephesians 4:23.

Changing our attitude is one of the simplest things we can do to completely transform our lives. She said that our attitude is our thought life turned inside out; it’s something that’s in us, but everybody sees it; it comes out in facial expressions and body language.

It is the attitude we choose to adopt toward our lives; how we choose to view our circumstances and situations influences how we feel, behave, and the overall quality of our lives.Therefore, your attitude is yours, and nobody can force you to have a bad one if you don’t want to. Someone with a negative attitude will find something wrong with everything. When someone has a good attitude, it’s really hard to make them unhappy.

Anyone can work with the Holy Spirit to form the habit of having a good attitude, if they really want to. Every single one of us has to work at some things. If we have a lot of problem we have to make a daily decision of adjustment our attitude.

When our attitude is right, we have an above average life. Life is just about making a little adjustment on a regular basis. Someone else is not going to come along and fix our problems. Some of us may have the biggest problem in the whole world, but what we need are little adjustments.

Little adjustments can sometimes make a big difference in your life. If we really listen to the Holy Spirit, he’ll show us what little adjustments we can make in our lives. Circumstances don’t make you who you are; they reveal who you are. Being miserable is an option. Anytime you see yourself being miserable, remember that you have the power to change it

This is a message that is going to inspire you.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joyce Meyer:Making Adjustment.” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Joyce Meyer YouTube

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