Love Your Enemies

Love Your Enemies

Love your Enemies

Love Your Enemies: In the present world, loving our enemies is something that seems impossible and stupid to do.

Jesus instructed us in the New Testament to love our enemy. Jesus said to love people who love us is nothing, but for us to have reward, we must have our enemies.

God wants us to live a life of our own, and we should make peace with all men. In Romans 12:18, “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”.

God wants us to be forgiving, just like him, and to love everyone unconditionally. The devil knows about this; that’s why he’s working hard to steal our peace.

When someone has wronged us, it is easy for us to hold grudges against them. The devil wants us to go through life complaining and hating on people.

Jesus wants us to free ourselves from the trap of unforgiveness by letting go of our hurts. Holding on to the bad experience steals our peace, and it can also affect our health.

Forgiving someone doesn’t mean restoring the past relationship, but we should not have bad things against them either.

We should not wish them bad and don’t rejoice when we see them in trouble. Letting go doesn’t mean hoping for hope to fall or praying for them to fall into our trap by asking us for a favor.

When our enemies are thirsty, we should give them water. If they are hungry, give them food; when they are naked, give them clothes to wear.

Forgiveness is easier than hatred.

Love Your Enemies pt2

To forgive and live in peace is easier than to live with hatred in our hearts. If we are not careful, that can affect our whole life in a negative way.

Having hatred in our hearts can chase people away from us and ruin our lives. Jesus has died for us so that we can live our lives fulfilled and in peace.

Yes, forgiving someone who has wronged us can be a hard decision, but God can help us. If we get honest with God about our bad traits of not forgiving, he will heal us.

We must be willing to heal from the disease of holding grudges against people. The Lord has given us the Holy Spirit to help us through life. We have to ask the Holy Spirit to teach us how to forgive people more, and he will do so.

Forgiveness as a Gift of the Holy Spirit

Love Your Enemies pt3

The Holy Spirit has so many fruits he has put on the inside of us. Seeds like joy, peace, love, endurance, cheerfulness, and forgiveness are all inside of us.

For these seeds of the spirit to bear fruit in our lives, we need the Holy Spirit. To be a forgiving person, we must need the Holy Spirit and follow his instructions.

When someone has wronged us, we must give it to God and ask God to help us forgive. The Holy Spirit is a spirit of God that lives inside of us.

He loves us, and he will help us through everything when we call on him.

Holding grudges makes the devil happy.

Love Your Enemies pt4

We, as Christians, should not give the devil the satisfaction of seeing us hating each other. We are all created by God, and he wants us to love unconditionally.

When we are loving and forgiving, that can help us spread the gospel of Christ to everyone.

Can we preach to someone we hate about Jesus Christ? No, we cannot. When we love people, they get closer to us, and we can bring them to God. That is the plan of the devil: for us to hate each other so that the gospel of God will not reach everyone.

Not everyone is going to like us, and they are not going to treat us well, but we should not dwell on that. We must hand it over to God when someone mistreats us so that we can move on with our lives.

God is aware of how badly we have been treated, and he will comfort us when we depend on him for comfort.





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