Michael Catt on Hospice Care Over Worsening Health Condition


Michael Catt on Hospice Care over worsening health condition
Michael Catt placed on Hospice Care for his worsening health condition


Former Senior Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church Pastor Michael Cameron Catt, who has only a few months “left on this side of heaven,” has been placed on hospice care following a worsening health condition while undergoing Postrate cancer treatment.

Catt’s family announced this in a tweet shared on Catt’s  Twitter page. The family disclosed in the tweet that he has been battling prostate cancer for the past five years.

“As many of you know, Michael has been courageously battling prostate cancer for the past five years. In those five years, he has been blessed to have minimal side effects or pain, despite dozens of radiation and chemo treatments,” the tweet read.

They however noted in a subsequent thread that his health worsen as he underwent several hospitalizations. A brain tumor according to the post further developed while undergoing cancer treatment.

“However, in recent months, his health has taken a turn for the worse. And he has had several surgeries, hospitalizations, and emergency room visits. Recently doctors found a tumor in his brain stem. They do not recommend operating on the tumor,” they noted.

The developed tumor, according to the update, instigated Catt’s family to cease further treatment. Then the consequent decision to Place pastor Catt in hospice care.

“Because of this, we have chosen to forego any future cancer treatments, with the goal now being to make him as comfortable as possible through palliative care for the few months he has left this side of heaven”

The family however has requested prayers during this sad moment. “We ask for your prayers for Terri, that she and Michael will have many precious and holy moments together in the coming weeks. Ask the Lord to give her strength and comfort that only He can provide.”

They  also assured of constant updates regarding Catt’s health, noting that “he will not be able to take many calls at this time, as he has lost a lot of his voice as a side effect of treatments.”

Pastor Micahel Catt was Sherwood Baptist Church’s senior pastor from 1989 to his retirement in 2021. Catt preached more than 2,000 sermons before his retirement. He is the author of several books and booklets. His books include Fireproof Your Life, Prepare for Rain, The Power of Desperation, The Power of Persistence, and more.  He is the executive producer of the popular 2008 film, ‘Fireproof’.


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