Nathanael Wood Sermons – The Catalyst of Willingness

Nathanael Wood Sermons The Catalyst of Willingness

The Hillsong Church brings us a new message by Pastor Nathanael Wood which is titled “The Catalyst of Willingness”. The text for the message is from Colossians 3:23 – Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,

Nathanael Wood, Hillsong Church’s New South Wales State Leader, preaches an inspiring message on the power of willingness. Nathanael shares powerful scriptures and examples of people who had a willing spirit and explains how our willingness can become a catalyst for change.

In this message, Pastor Nathanael teaches that willingness is defined as ready, eager to do something. Catalyst is that substance that speeds up a chemical reaction. Willingness speeds up a lot of thing in our life because God can do so much in their life. It is the catalyst for miracles. Through the bible, we see a lot of miracles because a lot of persons were willing to do as they had been told.

What are you most willing to do for God?

This is a message that you will love.

Watch and learn from this “Hillsong Church Sermon With Pastor Nathanael Wood Sermons  titled “The Catalyst of Willingness” as we bring the latest sermons from Pastors around the world to you daily.

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