Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon: Gladly Welcomed

Pastor Joel Osteen shares this sermon and message titled “Gladly Welcomed” where he teaches that God’s approval of you is not based on your performance. He said he welcomes you gladly because you are His child. In this message he teaches that you are God’s biggest deal. You are his most valuable possession. He made you in his own image and there’s nothing more important to God than you.

The scripture says in Isaiah, he has your picture tattooed on the palm of his hand, he knows the number of hairs on your head, he knows your thoughts before you think them. If you will have the right image of God, knowing that he gladly welcomes you, his face lights up when he sees you, he loves spending time with you, hearing your concerns, knowing what you’re dreaming about, then you won’t shrink back in fear, intimidated, unworthy, you will go fearlessly to him.

But so many people have the wrong image of God. They see him as being harsh, like he has a ball bat, waiting for them to make a mistake, to knock them down further.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen: “Gladly Welcomed” as we bring the latest messages from pastors around the globe to you.

Credit: Joel Osteen Ministries YouTube /


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