Pope Francis Prays For Calabria Shipwreck Victims

Pope Francis Prays For Calabria Shipwreck Victims

Pope Francis Prays For Calabria  Shipwreck Victims following the disaster that reportedly occurred on the 26th of February 2023. The catholic church Head, bishop, and sovereign of the Vatican city-states took to his Twitter handle to disclose his concern over the victims of the Calabria shipwreck.

This was disclosed shortly after he shared on tweeter a post of him sympathizing with the victims of Greece’s fatal train crash. He mentioned in the post that he is praying for the victims of the Calabria shipwreck. In addition, the pope appealed that such tragedy should not reoccur. Furthermore, he mentioned that human trafficking be put to a stop to avert further loss of lives.

He wrote “I am praying for the numerous victims of the shipwreck that took place off of Cutro, near Crotone. I renew my appeal that similar tragedies may not be repeated. Let the  human traffickers be stopped so they do not  continue to dispose of the lives of so many people!”

Let’s recall that on the 26th of February 2023, not fewer than 59 migrants including children were reported to have died amid a shipwreck. The boat was said to have been carrying migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Iran. It sailed from Italy and had sunk after it crashed against rocks near Calabria, southeast of Italy. According to BBC News, about 80 persons were rescued and over 30 persons were feared to be missing. The total number of the boat occupants was however not mentioned. Surprisingly, a customs police report that one survivor was arrested on migrant trafficking charges.

Over the years, Pope Francis has continued to show his concern for people who are struck by disasters. His tweet revealed that he was considerate of the victims.

See the post below:


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