Sarah Jakes Roberts & Michael: How To Overcome Commitment Issues

Sarah Jakes Roberts & Michael Phillips share this message titled: “How To Overcome Commitment Issues” where they teache that overcoming commitment issues is possible but it takes work. Michael Phillips gives us a male’s perspective on the importance of having a safe space to communicate the pressure men experience, and how fears show up as commitment issues.

In this message, she asked how many men do you think stray away from commitment, from marriage, from fatherhood right because they’re afraid of messing it up. She said she is not talking about people who haven’t had children yet … she is talking about absent fathers afraid to mess it up. People in relationships but emotionally unavailable because they’re afraid to mess it up. She asked if you think that masculinity and the way that men have been projected onto as far as the roles that they should play has played a part in men really feeling like i’d rather not do it at all or not show up than to mess it up?

Sarah revealed that it is difficult to defeat an enemy that has taken shelter in your mind and that for most men their greatest enemy is themselves.

Watch and learn from this message by Sarah Jakes Roberts & Michael Phillips: “How To Overcome Commitment Issues” as we bring the latest messages from pastors around the globe to you.

Credit: Sarah Jakes Roberts YouTube /

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