“Jesus Revolution” the 1970’s spiritual awakening Hollywood film based on the life of Harvest Christian fellowship senior pastor Greg Laurie has hit Netflix’s top 10 trending list.
The film tells the story of teenage hippies in Southern California and their religious journey in the early 1970s. The film centered on a young Laurie, played by Joe Courtney, and his interaction with the charismatic hippie street preacher Lonnie Frisbee, played by Jonathan Roumie.
They usher in a revival in pastor Chuck Smith’s fading congregation alongside Kelsey Grammer’s portrayal of Smith, which results in what Time Magazine called the “Jesus Revolution.”
The biographical film is the most recent project of Lionsgate and Kingdom Story Company. It is currently accessible in the US on demand. The internationally renowned independent film studio Lionsgate is renowned for producing provocative, unique, and relevant entertainment.
Laurie believed that God had a hand in the timing of the movie’s release. He also expressed his hope that the movie’s spirit of renewal would encourage Christians everywhere
“The timing of ‘Jesus Revolution’ is incredible,” Laurie said. “I believe God’s hand has been on it from the beginning. The Jesus Movement was the last great American spiritual awakening. Some historians have said it was the greatest revival of all time. Our prayer continues to be that this film will prompt Christians everywhere to say, ‘Do it again, Lord!”
“We helped a baptism earlier at the same site where ‘Jesus Revolution’ was filmed. 20,000 people showed up and stood in a line a half-mile long to be baptized. 4,500 people were baptized that day, gaming it the largest mass baptism in American history”
“Of the many I personally baptized, their point of reference was how the ‘Jesus Revolution’ film impacted them, and now they wanted to follow Christ and be baptized in the same spot where we had these events during the Jesus Movement and were part of the film was made. It was a classic example of ‘life imitating art”