Steven Furtick: Deceitful Desires

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Steven Furtick titled, “Deceitful Desires.” Pastor Furtick tells us that the Devil gets to pickpocket us and get us to give up the new version of us that God knows. Deception is how the devil gets you to give up on your dreams so easily.

We have to read the Bible and know that Jesus is the perfect, spotless lamb of God, and he died for you. When Jesus left to go to heaven, he sent his spirit, and the spirit lives inside of us. We have to know our worth and stop being so busy copying other people’s styles. We don’t even know the spirit that came from God because we get so wrapped up in our culture. You have to get up and get your peace, joy, and dreams back, and when you know your worth in God, you will know that you are precious in His sight.

You have to be introduced to Jesus so that he can improve you and make you better. There is an enemy’s trick and God’s truth: “NEW stands for notice, evaluate, and walk in.” You cannot deal with a feeling unless you know it is there. The truth is in Jesus. When you don’t feel right, you have to notice it, evaluate it, and get yourself back. If we are going to spend time shopping for a pair of shoes and spend money on them, we have to spend more time evaluating what we put in our hearts and minds and who we let into our lives.

In order for us to know the trick of the devil, we have to have the book and spend time around people who love God. For you to know the real from the fake, you have to handle the real for a long time. As Christians, we must deal with reality in such a way that our emotions begin to align with our faith. If your faith is not aligned, you can bring it back, and we should not be controlled by our feelings. Our feelings are not on the throne; Jesus is the one on the throne. Don’t listen to the devil when he tells you that you are not gifted and that you don’t matter. Desires are not bad, but the way the enemy tries to get you to fulfill them is wrong. When we have desires inside of us, we must be cautious so that we do not achieve the desire in the wrong way. The more you grow in Christ, the more you gain the ability from within to recognize the devil’s trick.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick: Deceitful Desires” as we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Steven Furtick YouTube

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