The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Is My Shepherd: Everything we want in this world can be provided to us by God.
Many of us spend most of our time worrying. The Lord loves us so much that he will do great and wonderful things for us if we trust in him.
Life may not be perfect, but we can have peace of mind. Jesus Christ instructed us to cast all our worries on him so that he could give us rest.
We are not created by God to depend on our own strength, but to depend on him.
For the thought he has for us is of good, not of even giving us a beautiful end.
Most of us often think that worldly people are living in abundance, but that’s not true.
Many people who are rich currently in the world do not have peace of mind because they don’t have God.
Our heavenly father is the only person who can bless us with riches and peace of mind.
We can have everything we want, but it has to come at the timing of the Lord.
Sometimes God doesn’t give us what we want but gives us what we need.
Trust the Lord, for He Knows the Best.
Our plans in life can look good to us, but they are not to God. Everything that concerns us, our heavenly father is interested in.
The enemy will do his best every day to make us feel unloved and live in shame.
Jesus Christ has paid for everything so that we can live in peace. Our past may not be awesome, but it’s all forgiven.
He will never leave us or forsake us in times of trouble.
No matter what we are going through, may our faith in God remain stable. As Christians, we have to renew our minds and spirits by reading the word of God.
Having closer relationships with God is really important if we want to experience his love fully.
Even in times of trouble, he’s here for us, so we are never alone.
In the world, there will be trials and tribulations, but he’ll give us victory.
There is nothing God can’t do for us when we trust him.
God has been doing great things in the past, and he will never change.
Everything is possible for him because he’s the creator of the universe.
Our God is a miracle worker.
Through out the Bible, God has done great things, and he can still do it again.
Jesus wants to heal you in every area where you hurt, but only if you allow him.
God can turn every situation in our lives for the better at any time.
Everything that the enemy meant for harm, God can turn for good.
There are moments in our lives when the enemy wanted to destroy us, but God protected us without our knowledge.
If you are sick, call upon the Lord, for he wants to heal you completely.
If you are going through a financial crisis, just trust the Lord, for he will pull you out.
Do your best, and the Lord will do the rest. There are things we cannot do for ourselves; only God can.
Let us take our relationship with God seriously so that he can be our shepherd.
Worldly people are not better than us, so let us hold on to God.