Understanding Endurance As A Christian

Understanding Endurance As A Christian
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Understanding Endurance As A Christian

Understanding Endurance As A Christian: Situations in life can be hard sometimes and we can feel overwhelmed. Giving up in life often comes to our mind but that’s not what God excepts from us.

What Is Endurance?

Endurance  is the ability to persevere through a test without giving in or trembling.

We have to understand that God allows us to go through hard times because that’s where we grow in faith. We learn to endure by having our faith tested. We must learn to endure everything so that we can grow.

There are many bible verses that shows us the importance of endurance as a christian.

Bible Verses To Encourage You

The New Testament makes it clear that, for the Christian, developing endurance is essential. It tells us “the way is hard that leads to life” (Matthew 7:14), and fiery trials most certainly will befall us (1 Peter 4:12).

In James 1:3-4  “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything”
“you have need of endurance” (Hebrews 10:36) because “by your endurance you will gain your lives” (Luke 21:19).
We have to know that the only way for us to pass through trails is to trust and depend on God. God loves us and he will not allow trials that are bigger than us to come to us.
Steps On How To Endure Hard Times
  1. Prayer: We have to know that prayer is the way we communicate with God, God is always listening to us when we pray. Telling God our problems makes it easy for us to navigate through them. Prayer It’s how we can give God our worries and find strength. we should show our weakness to God. In 2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us that it’s in our weakness God is strong.
  2. Live By Faith: In life is easy to focus on the wrong things that are happening in our lives.It’s tempting to believe that everything in our lives falls apart when things start to get bad. It’s normal.

    But in order to depend  on God, we must adopt a different way of living and that is  focusing on God.

  3. Be Patient: We have to learn on how to wait on God. Waiting on God is the best decision we can make when going through hard times. Most of us hates waiting but we have to learn to depend on God, because God’s time is the best. When the time is right God will make a way for you to thrive.
  4. Be Positive: We have to know that being positive and knowing that God will take care of all that concerns you. We have to make it an habit to focus on the positive things in our lives and things he has done for us.
  5. Read The Bible: Reading the word of God is one of the way we can be strong. There are verses in the bible that encourages us and reading the bible makes us know God’s thought for us and get closer to him.

Conclusions: In order to truly trust God to meet all of your needs, you must learn to depend on Him. You are imitating Jesus by acting in this way, He put His trust in the will of His father and carried it out.

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