Why Do We Celebrate Easter?

Why do we celebrate Easter

Why do we celebrate Easter?

Why do we celebrate Easter? Every year, we, as Christians, get to celebrate Easter with our loved ones and friends. Easter is one of the holidays that brings people together, and they share everything in love.

What is Easter Day?

It is a time when Christians celebrate and express gratitude for Jesus Christ’s resurrection. Three days after his death by crucifixion and burial, Christ sprang from the dead.

Jesus Christ was sent here on earth for him to die for our sins so that our relationship with God will be back. Easter is a day set aside for us to remember the great love of God and the power of resurrection.

The death of Jesus Christ on the cross brought a lot of great things into our lives. We, as Christians, have the power to ask for anything in the name of Jesus, and it shall be done unto us.

Jesus Christ made us to live under grace  so that we can’t live under the law. Our relationship with God has been restored, and we are now adopted through the blood of Jesus.

Easter is really important for us as Christians because we celebrate God’s victory over the grave.

The New Testament has no mention of Easter celebrations, yet some people interpret 1 Corinthians 5:7 to hint at them.

How Easter Started

Why Do We Celebrate Easter pt2

Many Christians believed that Jesus Christ was crucified on Good Friday, and after three days, he rose from death. This event symbolized that God has power over death.

Easter Sunday began with the dawn of a new day, following the sorrowful crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday. As the sun rose, Mary Magdalene and the other women went to Jesus’ tomb to anoint his body, only to find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. They were met by an angel who proclaimed, “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”

It is a day of celebration for Christians around the world, as they believe that Jesus rose from the dead on this day, conquering sin and death. This event is seen as the foundation of the Christian faith and is commemorated with joy and gratitude.

Easter activities that are observed

Why do we celebrate Easter pt3

We Christians have been celebrating Easter for a long time, so on that day, specific traditions are practiced.

  • Praise and worship of God
  • Caring for the less privileged
  • Decoration of churches and homes
  • Sunday services

We must be careful since there are Easter practices that are not based on Christianity. Trying to have fun on Easter is not wrong, but it should not be against Christ.

Everything we do here on earth should reflect God and his holiness because he loves us deeply, so we must honor him. Also remember to spend time with your loved ones in anyway you can.

We can make some food and share with people around us for our God has won over the grave.

There are non-religious traditions, such as the

  • Easter bunny,
  • baskets of candy, and
  • Easter egg hunts,

have become popular ways to celebrate Easter in many cultures around the world. These traditions are often enjoyed by people of all ages, bringing a sense of joy and community during the holiday season.

We must be careful about any practices we get involved in during this Easter period; let them not be against God. Christian preaching and faith would not exist without the resurrection of Christ Jesus.




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