Why do you give up easily?
Why do you give up easily? Promises of God in our lives can take a long time before they become reality.
God doesn’t have the same timetable as us, so we must learn how to depend on him. No matter what you are going through, our heavenly father is aware of it.
He will deliver us from everything that we are going through. Most of us create fear when there is no fear in our minds.
The Lord has not given us the spirit of fear but of courage and a sound mind. Even in fearful situations, trust God and don’t be afraid.
Be careful about what you say when things are not going well for us. Most people are more comfortable saying negative things about their lives than speaking positively.
The Bible told us that there is power in the spoken word, so let us speak great things.
Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. God promises will never fail because he is a covenant-keeping God.
No matter how big God’s promise is, it will all come to pass because there is nothing impossible for God to do.
Be with the right people.
In life, we must be careful about the kind of friends we keep because some of them can make you doubt God’s promises. Do you have a burning desire to have great things in life or do something awesome?
Promises from God can come in different forms, like our dreams, desire in our hearts, inspiration, and motivation. Our Heavenly Father wants the best for us, so trusting in him is the best decision to make.
Negative friends can tell you why your dreams are impossible to achieve and how you can’t do them. When a friend or family member tells you that your goals and dreams are impossible, don’t listen to them.
Don’t hate on negative people, but pray for them and avoid them so that they will influence you badly. It doesn’t matter how long his promises take; they’ll always come to pass if we believe in him.
Don’t lose your faith in the Lord just because you feel like God has forgotten about you. Jesus Christ calls us his friends, and that’s who we are meant to follow, not worldly friends.
You are the only person who knows what promise God has made to you; don’t be surprised if others don’t understand.
There will be doubts.
There will be many places where doubts are going to come from us, but hold on to God. The devil will do his best to steal away your faith in God, but don’t give up on God.
It took Sarah in the Bible fourteen years later, after the promise was made to her in her 90s, to give birth. It took David 15 years to finally become the king of Israel after he got anointed.
There will be a moment of waiting so that God can grow us to become better. As his children, he knows that we are not perfect, but he still loves us, and he will work on us.
When we surrender ourselves to God, he’ll do great and wonderful things in our lives. People will mock you and ask you why your dreams are not coming true, but don’t allow that to steal your faith.
Our God is a living God, so there is nothing impossible for him to do for us here on earth. Read your Bible and pray to the Lord so that, at the right time, everything will work out as planned.