Woman Evolve Grants $10000 Scholarship To Accident Victim

Woman Evolve Grants $10, 000 Scholarship To Accident Victim
Woman Evolve Grants a one-time $10000 Scholarship To Ellen Claude a 2023 Accident Victim

Woman Evolve, a Christian group led by Sarah Jakes Roberts Grants 2023 accident Victim Ellen Claude a one-time $10,000 scholarship.

The leader of the movement committed to erasing limits and challenging the norms of what it means to be a modern woman of faith has announced the conferment of the Christian group’s annual scholarship to a young lady who is majoring in Biological Sciences at Florida Atlantic University.

The scholarship offered by Jakes Robert seeks to aid young women in fulfilling their God’s purpose by facilitating their educational pursuits.

Claude emerged as the scholarship recipient out of over 2000 applicants. The Potters House assistant pastor noted however that it was challenging to determine the winner among the numerous applicants. Ellen emerged as the winner after much thought, prayer, and voting.

“It was extremely difficult to narrow down to just one winner but with much prayer, consideration, voting, and fasting, we have decided to grant the Woman Evolve scholarship to Ellen,” Jakes Robert said in a Tuesday Instagram Video.

Claude is one of seven siblings and had suffered an ailment at birth. Although involved in an accident in 2023, it didn’t hinder her from pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor.

“Ellen desires to become a doctor not to just save a life but to also make technical large advances in the field of medicine that can help cure and treat diseases,” Jakes Robert said. “She volunteered with the church on a medical mission trip. She dances with kids growing up with difficult diseases. Her mission is to spread hope,” she added.

Jakes Robert expressed gratitude to Claude for her endeavor noting that it is an honor to “sow this seed into your life.” She also congratulated all the scholarship applicants for the pursuit of their “purpose and destiny.”


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