Alienated daughter of Jeremy Foster claim her father is unrepentant

Alienated daughter of Jeremy Foster, Jayden Foster, claims his father, the Hope City Church founder who resigned over an extra-marital affair, is unrepentant.

Pastor Jeremy Foster, Hope City Church founder, who resigned over extra-marital affair
Pastor Jeremy Foster, Hope City Church founder,


Following Jeremy Foster’s first public appearance over one year he resigned from public ministry consequent to his confession of involving in an extra-marital affair, his estranged oldest daughter said he is unrepentant. She made this known in a series of Instagram videos where she had compiled questions and answers relating to his father and his extra-marital affair. She claimed her father was only apologetic but not repentant.

When asked if she think her father was going to pastor again, she said, “I hope not but feel like that was why he spoke out” Jayden Foster, went on to add that her father had never reconciled with her in any meaningful way, despite claiming in the Instagram video he shared that he had reconciled with his ex-wife and children.

“I have an apology, “Jeremy Foster said in an Instagram video “I have learned through this…I have apologized to Jennifer. I’ve apologized to the kids.” Jayde also  mentioned that her father posted the video without her knowledge of it in other to “repositioned us in the spotlight.” She said.

Disclosing that she was alienated from her father, Jayden added also that she was disheartened when she heard her father had moved on with his new wife “A month and a half after my parent’s divorce was finalized, I got an email — because I don’t have communication with him — and he was telling me that he had gone ahead and gotten married,”. She said,  “It like gutted me. Like, it really, really wrecked me. And I don’t know if I can adequately put into words how that felt.” she said.


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