Theme For David Jeremiah Daily Devotional June 15 2023 – Endless Love
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!
1 John 3:1
Recommended Reading: 1 John 3:1-3
A recent movie about the life of actress Marilyn Monroe portrays her as an emotionally starved woman whose story was filled with trauma, who craved acceptance but who received only abuse and exploitation. That’s the sad condition of so many people. Everyone—even those who haven’t been traumatized in life—wants acceptance. We want to be liked, to be loved, to be included.
If you feel undervalued today, two prayers will help. First, ask God to give you a heart of friendship for someone else and to show you who it is. He will lead you to someone to befriend, and it’s in helping others that we ourselves find help.
Second, ask God to reassure you of His loving presence in your life. He has already accepted you. He sought you, saved you through the blood of Jesus, and longs to draw closer to you each day.
Live each day confident in the knowledge that God has accepted you as His child, and let His healing love bring fresh joy and reassurance to your personality.
[God] has made and keeps a covenant of personal commitment and love to His people.
Sinclair Ferguson
Credit For David Jeremiah Daily Devotional June 15 2023 – Joseph Prince Ministries