Developing Everlasting Joy
Developing Everlasting Joy: To be happy for a long time in the present world sounds really impossible. Life challenges seem to get tougher, and situations are getting worse.
As Christians, we are not to lose hope like the people of the world because we have Jesus. We have to understand that making the decision to have lasting joy is really important.
Most times, we have unrealistic expectations, which leave us disappointed. Why should we assume that our joy should come from someone else?
All our expectations should be on Jesus Christ; only he can help us live a fulfilled life. The Bible tells us that we are to face tribulations here on earth, but with Jesus, we are overcome.
We should not be surprised when we encounter trouble or see someone in tough situations; that’s part of life.
God allows us to face certain life challenges because he knows better. The challenges might help us to be stronger and better Christians.
Most times, we might not know why we are in tough situations, but God has a plan for us all. He will not leave us or forsake us in times of trouble because he loves us.
We are different.
As Christians, we are different from the rest of the world in our behaviors, mindset, and spiritual life. We need to have consistent joy in our lives.
When the people of the world are losing their peace over the challenges of life, we are to be at peace. Christians are going to face the same challenges as the rest of the world, but we have Jesus with us.
No matter how bad things turn out, God will find a way to comfort us; he’ll restore all that we have lost. If we look miserable all the time and don’t handle life any differently than they do,.
We are to be different from the rest of the world by being happy all the time, not because we have everything, but because we know God is in control.
To attract those who are interested in knowing Jesus, we must be distinct from the rest of the world by always being happy. When we approach life in a positive manner, that will make people want to know how we do it.
The Devil’s Game
One of the games that the devil loves to play with Christians is to steal our peace and get us upset. We should not allow him to have control over our emotions and decisions.
He tries hard to make sure that we complain about life situations and question God’s love for us. When we see ourselves in hard situations, the best decision is to cast it down to Jesus.
When Jesus was leaving the earth, he knew that we would need some help. That’s why he gave us the Holy Spirit.
We are not to deal with life situations alone, but with the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leaves us on the inside, which means we are never alone.
The devil knows the button to push in our lives to get us upset. The devil is always watching us closely, and he knows exactly when we’re at our weakest. when he can come against us and get us to just lose our cool, lose our temper, get angry, get upset, and lose our peace.
We have to be very careful because the goal of the devil is to make us angry so that we can disobey God by acting or saying things that are not proper.