God Has Given Us The Ability To Make Decisions

God Has Given Us The Ability To Make Decisions

God has given us the ability to make decisions.

God Has Given Us The Ability To Make Decisions: Many people are afraid of talking about being ambitious as Christians. Some people believe it is ungodly to talk about being ambitious in the Christian community.

The truth is that God has given us the ability to make wealth, but we must do it his way. Lying and cheating in order to make money is not what God wants us to do.

In Luke 16:1–13, Jesus told us parables about the parable of the shrewd manager.

Jesus’s parable of the shrewd steward illustrates several ideas about our available resources.

  • As Christians, we manage God’s resources; our time to do so is limited; and
  • By giving abundantly now, we will be able to spend more time in heaven for eternity.

God has given each of us abilities and talents; if we don’t use them, we are going to be questioned.

We, as Christians, should have visions for our lives, like in our personal lives, business lives, and so on. In Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”.

If we don’t have vision for our lives, we are planning how to perish in life.

What is vision?

Is the ability to see the future with imagination.

God has given us all the ability to imagine, and let us use it for good. Use your imagination to create a vision for your life.

Put in the work.

God Has Given Us The Ability To Make Decisions pt2

Just making us use our imagination will not help us create our dream life. We have to make plans on how to make the imagination become reality.

Have a plan for every day of your life, and do your best to achieve it before you go to sleep.

If you have the desire to have your own business, make sure that you have a plan for it. If you already have a business and you want it to grow, make a plan.

Most of us only have our visions in our heads without doing anything to make them a reality. Nobody is going to make the right decisions for you if you don’t take action.

Take the right steps.

If you want to be successful, you must behave like a successful person.

  • Write down your goals and make them clear. If you write it down, it will help you understand what you are going after. The unbelievers are writing down their goals, and they are achieving greater things than us, and that’s not good. In Habakkuk 2:2, God told us to write down our visions: “And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.”
  • Be Willing to Learn: Many people in the world today are not willing to learn from someone above them. In order for us to be successful, let us have the desire to learn with all our hearts.
  • Take Action: Writing down our goals or visions and learning from great people are all good, but they’re not enough. We must learn how to take action to make sure our goals come true.

The Bible told us to learn from the ants; they don’t have a supervisor, but they know what to do at the right time. They gather food during the dry season and store it during the rainy season.

We must learn how to make our financial lives better by spending wisely and staying out of debt. Take the right action with the


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