Joyce Meyer: The Decision Is Yours (Part 3)

Here is the third part of the message by Joyce Meyer titled “Decision Is Yours”.

The challenge of doing the right thing. You know it is not hard to sit and listen but we are supposed we do what we have heard.

James says “Faith without work is dead we are save by our work  but truly been saved is going to want to do good works. James 1:22 “but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourself”.

You know when we do not obey, we have some kind of excuses to feel better for not doing it. How much of things do you know that you do without giving any excuses”

You know good intention are not obedience and good intention do not bring any reward into our life, it is only obedience that does (doing of the good thing).

James 1vs4 “said to know what to do and do not do it is a sin”.

God deals differently with people who are ignorant, than he does those who know what they are doing. .  They do not know that what they are doing is wrong.  Then there are people who know what they are doing is wrong and still do it anyway.

Furthermore, she pointed out that good decisions brings reward and wrong decision just causes more pain and agony in our life.

Matthew 7 vs 21 “Not everyone who says to me lord, lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven”

We can say that we know Jesus but it is only those who have done the will of God that will enter the kingdom and rewarded. The gap between knowledge and doing is what determine our measure of victory now.

Quoting Luke 6:46  which says;

“why do you all call me Lord and do not what i say? as for everyone that come to me and hear my words put then in practice, i will show you what they are like, They are like a man building a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on the rock, when a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built”.

If you are being obedient the storm of life cannot defeat you.

We can underline our bible and read them.  But until we do what it says we are not better than somebody who does not believe at all. However, it is important that we make sure that you have a strong foundation. It is important that you know what your faith is built on and that you are obedient to God.

Meyer posed a question to us; “How many things are you doing that you know you should not be doing? We just allow procrastination but now is the time to obey God.

She added that sometimes we want to do good, then something bad happen, God want to test our faith, because when it is tested that our faith grows stronger and stronger.The only thing standing between us all and great victory is doing what we know to do.

Everything that God tells us to do is for our own good and benefit. Going to church and hearing the words is not enough but Go home and do it. Real power comes in doing not in knowing.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Joyce Meyer: The Decision Is Yours (Part 3) ”.  Also, remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the United States of America to you.

Video Credit: Joyce Meyer YouTube

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