Joyce Meyer : Your Worth and Value

Joyce Meyer: Your Worth and Value: Here is another message from Joyce Meyer which is titled ” Your Worth and Value”.

In this message, Meyer teaches that one of the areas in which Satan attacks us more than anything else is ” how we feel about ourselves. A lot of our problems are more about ourselves than anything else, because we don’t like ourselves.

And a lot of people don’t like themselves, but don’t know that they don’t like themselves. They blame everything on everyone else. If we can get happy with who we are , we will be happy and also make someone else happy, rather than being mad because they’re not making us happy. Sometimes we can’t love other people because we don’t love ourselves.

You can’t give away what you don’t have. Get in touch with how you feel about yourself. Do you like yourself? Do you love yourself? Do you respect yourself? because what you believe about yourself is much more important than what anyone else believes about you.

If you know who you are in Christ, you don’t have to live as a people pleaser. Satan always attacks our worth and value. Because when the devil was tempting Jesus Christ in the wilderness in Luke 4, two different times the devil said to Jesus Christ, “If you are the son of God,”

Sometimes the devil says to us, “If God loved us, why do we have this problem?” or “Why hasn’t God answered our prayers?” He’s always trying to attack our worth and value and make us think that God doesn’t love us.

How our self-image affects our future, because adventure requires “boldness,” “boldness” requires “confidence,” and “confidence” requires a healthy “self image.” So how do you see yourself?

God’s not good to us because we deserve it (because we don’t),  but he’s good to us because Jesus Christ deserves it, and we believe in him, and we’re joint heirs with him.

Poor self-image keeps us from going to the places we have to be. The bible says, “Come boldly to the throne.”

We should not allow the devil to attack our worth and values.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Joyce Meyer: Your Worth And Value. Remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors in the United States of America to you.

Video Credit: Joyce Meyer YouTube

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