Nashville Pastor Scott Sauls Placed On Indefinite Leave

Nashville pastor Scott Sauls Placed on an indefinite leave of absence following an investigation into his conduct as a leader.

The Nashville pastor has been placed on indefinite leave of absence from his position as pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church, a prominent Presbyterian Church in America congregation. His leave according to Religion News Service, was announced during a Sunday member meeting at the Church.

Sauls who also is an author was placed on leave following an investigation into his conduct as a leader by Christ Presbyterian and Nashville Presbytery. The investigation was instigated after some former Christ Presbyterian staff raised concerns about Saul’s attitude through a letter sent to the church.

RNS also reports Sauls apologized to the congregation in a video message, for his unhealthy leadership style that caused harm to both the church and his staff. Sauls made known however he had not been involved in any sexual sin or substance abuse. He reportedly would seek counseling and repentance while on leave. He wishes also to make peace with the people he had harmed.

“I verbalized insensitive and verbal criticism of others’ work,” he said, according to RNS. “I’ve used social media and the pulpit to quiet dissenting viewpoints. I’ve manipulated facts to support paths that I desire.”

“I am grieved to say that I have hurt people,” he continued. “I want to say to all of you that I am sorry.”

During Christ Presbyterian meeting on Sunday, the elders acknowledged their own shortcomings in allowing an unhealthy culture on church’s staff. They regardless are hoping Sauls’ leave would lead to healing and reconciliation.

Sauls’ position as a pastor will be reviewed at an upcoming meeting of the Nashville Presbytery. The presbytery also will have the final say over the length and conditions of his leave.





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