Pastor Jentezen Franklin Sermon: Where is God?

Pastor Jentezen Franklin shares this sermon titled “Where is God?” where he teaches that suffering will never leave you where it finds you because it will leave you bitter or it will leave you better. The lead pastor of Free Chapel said that life is like a puzzle it is always incomplete until the final piece is placed in that final whole. He said that as good as a biscuit is, to eat its contents one ingredient at a time would be an awful experience as it is until you mix all the ingredients together that you have the taste, texture, and intention of a biscuit. God works all things together for good but it is the working of all things together that has to happen for the individual pieces of the puzzle to make sense.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Jentezen Franklin: “Where is God?” as we bring the latest sermons from Pastors around the world to you.

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