Pastor Joel Osteen: Awaken Your Great Faith

Pastor Joel Osteen shares this sermon titled “Awaken Your Great Faith” where he teaches that great faith brings great favor. He said that God has given you everything you need to see your dreams come to pass. The pastor said we all face dreams that seem too big, obstacles that are too much to overcome. It’s easy to get discouraged and settle where we are but God wouldn’t have put the dream in your heart if He didn’t have a way to bring it to pass. He wouldn’t have let you get in that challenge if He wasn’t planning on bringing you out.

Joel Osteen said our faith, what we believe will have a great impact on what’s going to happen. It’s not just up to God, He has all the power in the world, it’s up to us and He works through faith. If you believe little, you’ll receive little. If you think small, talk small, then you’ll get stuck where you are.

The scripture talks about different levels of faith. Joel Osteen gave an example with the disciples being on a boat when a huge storm arose. They started looking at the winds, the waves, how big they were. They got worried, they ran and woke Jesus up and said, “we’re about to die.” Before Jesus calmed the storm, before He spoke to the waves, He looked at them and said, “why do you have such little faith.” He was saying, “you’ve seen what I can do. You’ve seen me heal the sick, multiply the food, restore the broken … why are you still stuck at that low level of faith when you know I can do anything.”

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen “Awaken Your Great Faith” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the United States of America, Canada and Australia to you.

Video Credit: Joel Osteen YouTube

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