Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon – Anchored to Hope

Pastor Joel Osteen has delivered this sermon and message titled “Anchored to Hope” and it is not a sermon you will want to miss. The senior pastor of Lakewood Church and the husband of Victoria Osteen in this sermon tecahes that there will always be something trying to get us to pull up our anchor of hope. He said that when your prayers have not been answered as quickly as you like, it is easy to give up but you have to make sure to keep your anchor down and hope in the Lord.

Teaching us never to give up on our dreams, Pastor Joel Osteen wrote on Instagram:

“You may have difficulties now, in your health, your finances, your marriage. You could live worried, panicked, what am I going to do? But when you know you’re in a safe place, where God has you hidden, then you can live in peace. When trouble comes, you don’t fall apart, give up on your dreams, you know God has made you invisible to the enemy.”

Watch and learn from this sermon and message by Pastor Joel Osteen – Anchored to Hope – as we bring the latest sermons from pastors to you daily.

Credit – Joel Osteen YouTube /


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