Stephen Chandler Sermons – The Anatomy of Fear

Stephen Chandler Sermons The Anatomy of Fear

Today we bring you a message by Pastor Stephen Chandler on a topic “The Anatomy of Fear’”. The text for the scripture is taken from the book of Job 1:1-5, 18-19 where we read from the story of Job.  This message is the first in the series “What Are You Afraid Of”.

So many of us we live our lives controlled by irrational fears. These fear irrational because they are not supported by statistics. The greatest fear that controls our lives is rejection, failure etc. These fears unchecked drives us into an unhealthy place. Like the scripture we read, Job’s fear was losing all he had and it drove him into a place of paranoia. Those things he was afraid of losing was what he lost and it was because fear is faith in the enemy’s plan.

The enemy knows that if he puts a fear in us then he can control us without touching us. Fear is Satan’s poison into your future. He takes this subtle fear into you and it affects all the decision you make about your life.

Fear is believing more in what Satan says about your future rather than what God says. Learn to hold up the standard of God against your fears.

Here are few tips on how fear works. The first is that fear starts as a suggestion. the devil whispers these things in your mind and it triggers fear. These suggestions from the enemy becomes an identity. The book of 2 timothy 1:7 reminds us that God has not given us the spirit of fear.

The second thing about fears is that suggestions unchecked become facts. These suggestions will have you paralyzed in fear. That everyone in your family has breast cancer does not mean that you will get one. God has a great plan for you.

This is a message that you will love.

Watch and learn from one of the sermons by Pastor Stephen Chandler titled “The Anatomy of Fear’”as we bring the latest sermons from pastors around the world to you daily.

Credit: Stephen Chandler YouTube/

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