Victoria Osteen: A Mother’s Faith

Joel Osteen Ministries shares this message by Victoria Osteen titled “A Mother’s Faith.” The text for the message is from 2 Timothy 1:5.

Pastor Victoria teaches us in this message about a mother’s faith and how they encourage and inspire people around them. We have to have that kind of faith to encourage and inspire anyone we see through the way we talk and show kindness to them. Whether you are a mother or not, you can encourage, inspire, and invest in the people around you. We have to be mindful of our behavior and how we treat people around us because God expects us to inspire and encourage people. We are not to discourage people but to speak hope into their lives because we are children of God. Paul was talking about the sincere faith he sees in Timothy that he got from his mother: You don’t have to be perfect; you just have to have sincere faith toward God.

All mothers should be living out their faith in the best possible way they can because their faith will be caught by their children and they will build upon it. Mothers faith is transferable, and it’s really good that God can allow us to transfer such a powerful force to our children. God has given all of us faith, but it is what we do with it that matters. We have to ask God to help us increase our faith. Sometimes we might be in difficult situations where we question our faith, but we have to know that a little faith lived in a big way makes a huge difference in our lives. We have to live our faith in a big way. We don’t have to stink back; we have enough faith to move mountains. We don’t have to strangle back because of how we feel; we just have to take our little faith and invest it, and it will get big.


Watch and learn from this message by Victoria Osteen: “A Mother’s Faith” as we bring the latest messages from pastors around the globe to you.

Credit: Joel Osteen Ministries

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