Discovering Your Destiny By Joel Osteen

 Discovering Your Destiny By Joel Osteen

Discovering Your Destiny By Joel Osteen

Discovering Your Destiny By Joel Osteen: Pastor Joel Osteen is a well-known author and pastor of Lakewood Church in Huston, Texas.

He shared with us in his book, “Become a Better You.”

Before we were born, God knew us, and he blessed us with gifts and talents made for us. God has given us ideas and creativity in areas in which we can excel.

Many people today feel unfulfilled in their lives because they have not discovered their talents. We have to pursue the dreams and desires God has placed within our hearts.

If we are not moving towards our God-given destiny, we’ll always feel unfulfilled in life. The worst thing that can happen to us is not discovering our destiny.

God has not created us to endure an average and mediocre life; we should live with passion. We have to shift our mindset so that we can be what God created us to be.

The major reason so many people are unhappy is because they are not fulfilling their destiny. We should always remember that God deposited a gift and treasure inside of us.

  • Simply determine that you are going to start focusing on your divine destiny.
  • Take steps towards the dreams and desires that God has placed in your heart.

Discover your destiny.

  1. Your destiny has to do with what excites you.
  2. What are you passionate about?
  3. What do you really love doing?

Conclusion: Your destiny will be a part of the dreams and desires that you have in your heart.

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