Joel Osteen: At Home Inspiration Break with Joel+Victoria

Pastor Joel Osteen shares this message titled “At Home Inspiration Break with Joel and Victoria.”

Pastor Joel and his wife, Victoria Osteen, just speak to us about everything concerning life and answer questions. Pastor Victoria said that we should get in the habit of praying more. Sometimes in our lives we try to figure things out, but later we remember that we should have prayed before trying to figure everything out. We have to know that God is really interested in everything that we do, and involving and inviting him is really important. Sometimes we try to fix a problem or change a situation by ourselves, but we should have brought it to God. Sometimes we find it hard to be consistent in praying, but we have to train ourselves to get up every morning, pray to God, and read our Bibles. With time, it will become part of our habits. If we don’t get into the word (the Bible), the word can’t get into us. We have to always make ourselves read our Bible to know what God has to tell us from the word. The more time you spend reading the Bible, the more God is going to speak to you and teach you things that you need to know. Checking our attitude is really important. We should get into the habit of checking our habits to know where we need to adjust or change.

You can pray to God and read your Bible, and then you go out and someone upsets you, and your attitude changes suddenly. We have to know that we have to behave differently from people in the outside world. We have to know that our attitude is one of the ways we can actually represent God. When things happen to be against you, maybe you’re in traffic, someone is rude to you, or you didn’t get what you wanted. Just don’t let the situation change your attitude. We have to learn how to be emotionally mature and not let circumstances control our lives.


Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen “At Home Inspiration Break with Joel+Victoria” and do not forget to always check in for the latest sermons from pastors around the globe daily.

Credit – Joel Osteen Ministries YouTube

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