Joel Osteen: Grow Through It- Sunday Service

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Joel Osteen at the Lakewood Church Sunday Service titled “Grow through it.”

Pastor Joel teaches us in this message that we all go through difficult times in our lives. Maybe a coworker is not treating us great, the dream is taking longer, and it’s easy to live frustrated wondering why things are not changing. We have to understand that we can’t pray away everything that’s uncomfortable because God uses difficulties and delays to do great things in us. If a situation is not changing, maybe God is using the situation to change you. God will not allow a situation if he does not have a purpose for it. Don’t go through it upset, bitter, and offended.

In every situation, we have to grow through it because that’s an opportunity to grow stronger, develop your character, and build your spiritual life. We grow most often through our difficulties. The Bible says that our faith is tested in the fire of difficulties. The person who did you wrong did not do so by mistake; that’s a test God is using to see if you are going to grow or get bitter and try to pay them back. We have to take the high road and forgive when someone offends us. If you don’t get the promotion, will you continue doing your best or not? We have to know when we face difficulties that God has something bigger in store, because that’s an opportunity to prove to God that you’re ready to go to the next level.

Before you get promoted, there is time to test and prove. If you let the same people offend you and the same things upset you, then you are going to be struck. When going through difficulties, you have to grow through them. It can be uncomfortable, but you have to trust God. Anytime things don’t go your way, don’t get upset or frustrated; just have a positive attitude and know that God is planning everything for your good.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen: Grow through it” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit:Joel Osteen YouTube


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