Joel Osteen: Taking Care Of Yourself

Joel Osteen: Taking Care Of Yourself: Here is another message from Joel Osteen which he titled “Taking Care of Yourself”.

In this message, Osteen talks about Taking Care Of Yourself and why it is important. ” It easy for us to meet other people’s need, measuring up to their expectations, that we put ourselves on the back burner. We have boss to please , spouse to keep happy, the pressure of raising children. Always, we are afraid of letting anyone down because they’re counting on us.

We always feel we are always the one to come through, cheer them up, fixes the problems. The problem is we can become depleted, drained, worn out. We have to learn the need to make ourselves priority.

Your first mission is to keep yourself healthy. It’s not selfish to make time you. You need time to be alone, time to laugh, refresh, to exercise. You need these things that help you stay in balance.

If you always being good to other, be good to you too.  You are kind to other also be kind to you. People will take as much as you give them. When you are run down, emotionally drained, physically worn out. That is not just a disservice to you , family and those around you. It raising your blood pressure, causing you to live stressed, overwhelmed.

He pointed out that nobody can make this change except you. If you don’t learn to say no nothing will change . They may not like it but your health, your emotional well-being is more important than keeping everyone happy. There is nothing wrong with taking time for you. However, Pastor Osteen is not encouraging selfish living, instead know when you are tired and have time for yourself.

“Put yourself first and take care of yourself , so that you can be able to take of other people, you can’t take care of people you when you are emotionally, physically worn out”.

Osteen strongly advise that for us to be balanced, you have to say no to somethings.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Joel Osteen titled “Taking Care of Yourself”. Remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors in the United States of America to you.

Video Credit: Joel Osteen YouTube

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