Joyce Meyer: 7 Deceptions of the Devil 2

Joyce Meyer: 7 Deceptions of the Devil 2: Here is the continuation of the message from Joyce Meyer, which is titled “7 Deceptions of the Devil 2.” Meyer tells us that the mind is a battle field. You have to guard it, and you do this by paying attention to the thoughts that emanate from it.

Our armor against the devil’s attacks is none other than our daily thoughts, words, and actions.

In this message, Meyer points out the seven ways that the devil will try to deceive us, namely:

1. The devil wants us to be faultfinders. If he can keep us finding fault with other people, then we will never see our fault. If a believer sees nothing wrong with himself, but everything wrong with others, then the devil has won. Matthew 7:3-5.

2. Another way the devil wants to deceive us is that he makes us proud and think that we are never wrong. Proverbs 3:5-7 has pointed out the way things should be. We should avoid being proud in our own eyes.

3. The devil wants us to think that God doesn’t hear or won’t answer our prayers. This is in a bid to discourage people from not praying enough or not praying at all. Prayer is something that makes the devil afraid because, when a righteous man prays, tremendous power is made available.

Christians have to be persistent in prayer, and that is what God likes. He is always ready to listen to us. There is no method or pattern to praying. Pray your way through the day.

In addition, she tells us that God’s Word is filled with truths that will guard your heart against the lies of the enemy. Learn how to stand up to his deception and be a powerful witness for Christ.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Joyce Meyer: 7 Deceptions of the Devil (Pt. 2).  Remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors in the United States of America to you.

Video Credit: Joyce Meyer YouTube

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